New Membership
Why become a member?
Members can contribute to submissions and other documents prepared by the Section.
Receive exclusive Section e-newsletters and quarterly publications informing members of the latest Section developments, and news relevant to the profession.
Access to extensive and affordable continuing professional development and educational programmes - seminars and webinars - aimed at the highest technical standards among the national legal profession.
Attend events across a broad range of topics. Members are usually offered discounts to Sections and other events.
Connect with colleagues and leading legal professionals in your practice and have access to national and global networks from various jurisdictions. Over 30 Specialist Committee to become involved with.
Receive corporate discounts when booking with Uber, Bolt and Others.
Receive corporate discounts on Domestic and International Airlines.
Membership Fee
Every new member would pay a Membership fee on either a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. The Fee is charged on an annual basis but could be staggered in payment. The fees are also charged pro-rata the year of call, which means that senior lawyers pay more than younger lawyers.
You are charged from the month you join. For new members, membership fees are charged on a pro-rata basis in monthly intervals until 30 June 2022. Future membership fees are payable on 1 July of every year, covering membership from 1 July of that year to 30 June of the following year. Current annual amounts are shown in the section membership fees table