Online Membership Application
The Nigerian Law Society is the foremost association for Legal Practitioners in Nigeria.
Full Membership
Voluntary full Membership is open to Lawyers enrolled as Barristers and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to Graduates and Students of law Faculties accredited by the Council of Legal Education in Nigeria. Members are free to join any of the various Sections of the Society.
As the voice of the Legal Profession, the Law Society provides you with access to invaluable support and resources for professional development opportunities, keeping you informed, visible, connected, and relevant no matter the stage of your career. The Law Society recognizes the importance of staying connected, working together, being united as a legal community, and offering member discounts on events and publications.
The Law Society Sections
- Business Law Section
- Family Law Section
- Federal Litigation and Dispute Resolution Section
- International Law Section and
- Legal Practice Section.
Section Administrator Contact Details
Phone number
Email address